Safety and technology

Feb 28th 2023

kleio does not delete data: kleio does not delete user data. If an account is not paid, the details and data are kept encrypted. As soon as the account is paid again or a person contacts us to take over an account (discounts), the data will be released again.

Delete data: If data is to be deleted, this must be triggered by the respective user.

Visibility: All data is INVISIBLE by default and will only become visible on the Internet if the respective user actively publishes it.

What happens if kleio should no longer exist? 
Although we have been working on kleio with a lot of heart and soul and passion since 2007 and do not think of ever stopping it, such a situation may occur. To prepare our users autonomously for such a situation, kleio offers the backup function. This allows all users to create a complete backup of their own kleio database independently and without additional costs, which can then be re-imported into any other database.

Backup: All data can be exported from kleio autonomously and structured at any time. Data is exported as CSV with ID relation to the images and documents. The images and documents appear in an ID-labeled folder structure as a ZIP file. See Backup

Technology: kleio is regularly upgraded to the latest technology in order to sustainably transfer the user:inside data into the future. From 2023 kleio will run in the 6th generation as a graph-based database.

Server: We work with dynamic server structures. The data is stored in the vicinity of the respective user. If you live in Europe, your data is also secured on servers in Europe and the respective security and data protection regulations apply.

Compatibility: Since sustainable security is a central issue for kleio, we are constantly implementing the latest technology to secure your data for the future. This also requires a more or less up-to-date system on your side.
We do our best to remain compatible with older systems, but we can only guarantee this three generations back (this allows the use of devices that are about 8 years old).

- Programming language: Python
- Database: RDF store Jena/Fuseki
- Search/Index: ElasticSearch
- Content Management System: 3MS - Triple Management System

- Account: Framework, Vuejs SPA (single page application)
- Public Spaces: Framework, NuxtJS

- DB: Kubernetes cluster: Digital Ocean, Standort in Deutschland (Frankfurt)
- Assets: Amazon S3, Standort in Deutschland (Frankfurt)