Introduction to kleio

Mar 27th 2023


With kleio, high-resolution data, images and documents are stored securely in the cloud in one place - without storage space limits. Work details are systematically saved without additional effort, but with great added value!

Because of the systematic storage, data can be sorted and filtered according to various criteria. Data can be compiled according to precise criteria, and can be shown or hidden. In other words, kleio is an intelligent database that serves as the basis for a whole range of actions.

The input mask can be adapted individually to the own needs. The data storage can be built up by folders and sets, according to an own structure.

Compilations can be exported as PDF in list or portfolio layout.

All entered data and documents can be exported at any time as CSV or as a structured folder structure in ZIP format.

All ORGANIZE features:

  • Unlimited storage space for high-resolution images
    • Embedding of video and audio
      • Storage of images, videos and documents in topic folders
        • Customize input maskHide and unhide fields, set order
          • Save your own input templates
            • Define yourself what is documented
              • Tags for tagging the entries (records)
                • Interface and input in three languages: DE, EN, FR
                  • Structure records in your own filing structure from folders and sets
                    • Sort records via drag and drop
                      • Differentiated search in one, in several or in all text fields
                        • Export options as PDF list or portfolio, as CSV table
                          • Backup of all data, structured as ZIP
                            • Continuous security backups
                              • Data backup on European servers
                                • Technologically always up to date
                                  • With interface for connections (API)


                                    The kleio Spaces enable content from the internal area or the Collaborative Spaces to be published publicly. Be it as a personal website via the modifiable main domain or linked to the own URL. Countless other websites can be created via an addition to the main domain or also via a connection to an existing domain. Furthermore hidden websites can be created, which can be password protected or through which a download of high resolution images can be allowed.

                                    All kleio websites can be set up individually: e.g. which field contents should be visible and how the website design should be displayed.

                                    To set no limits to individuality, kleio offers an open REST API, via which content from kleio can be displayed in a completely custom design.

                                    All PRESENT functions:

                                    • Create countless websites with just a few clicks
                                      • Publish selected entries
                                        • Create your navigation with sets and folders
                                          • Highlight news with your own setIndividualize your design thanks to many parameters
                                            • Tile or list viewWith text or image focus
                                              • Show tag fields as filtersImages are automatically web optimized by kleio or list view
                                                • With text or image focus
                                                  • Display tag fields as filtersImages are automatically web optimized by kleio
                                                    • Social share functions
                                                      • A kleio domain is included
                                                        • A redirection to your own domain is possible
                                                          • Countless subdomains can be generated
                                                            • All websites can be password protected
                                                              • Downloads to images and files can be allowed
                                                                • Connect to completely individual designs via the kleio API


                                                                  Collaborative spaces can be defined to which people can be invited. In the collaborative spaces, for example, a community can be put together from personal data (actor records). Or the collaborators of a collaborative space share records of their work in order to contribute them to digital exhibitions.

                                                                  This function makes it possible to display all participants of a project, an association or a study program in a bundle, without any effort and with clearly shared authorship, with clear links to the sources of the content and thus with clear benefits for each individual person involved.

                                                                  All COLLABORATE features:

                                                                  • Publish collaborative spaces for shared appearances
                                                                    • Image your community digitally
                                                                      • Launch digital exhibitions
                                                                        • Share content with the research platform.